Ayurveda 101

Ayurveda is India’s traditional system of health and healing.

It stems from India’s ancient books of wisdom called the Vedas.

Two common translations of the word Ayurveda are ‘‘knowledge of life’’ or the ‘‘art of living’’. Its goal is to help individuals prevent disease and live lives of vitality.

The principles of Ayurveda tell us how to create well-being with balance and inner peace.

Ayurveda is completely individualized which is why we work one-on-one with clients to thoroughly understand each person’s constitution and treat the body, mind and spirit.

Ayurvedic herbs
  • Rachel is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, working with clients one-on-one to make changes to their diet and lifestyle based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine.

Some Words of Ayurveda: Body - Mind - Spirit - Moderation - Vitality - Purpose - Vigor - Breath - Lifeforce