The 3 doshas

In Ayurveda, humans are considered to be composed of a combination of 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are recognized and expressed physically, emotionally and through our personalities. These 3 doshas are combinations of 5 elements: fire, water, earth, air and space (or ether).

Vata dosha is composed of air and space.

Pitta dosha is composed of fire and water.

Kapha dosha is composed of earth and water.

A goal of Ayurveda is, once we understand our unique doshic make-up, to keep them in balance. An Ayurvedic consultation will help you to understand your make-up, and identify if certain doshas are out of balance. Often our health issues present a doshic imbalance. As an example, too much movement or travel often leads to a Vata imblance. (Yes, many many of us in the modern world have Vata imbalances!!). Too much time under the hot sun leads to a Pitta imbalance.

Our ‘‘Prakriti’’ is considered our natural state of being, our doshic make-up when we are born, determined at conception.


Ayurveda for your kids


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