Ayurveda for your kids

Once you understand the qualities of the doshas, you will slowly be able to recognize them in your children. As each of us has a unique make-up with differing amounts of pitta, vata and kapha, we see this in our childrens’ make-up as well.

Personally, once I thoroughly understood each dosha’s characteristics, I quickly could see my them in my girls’ behaviors and physical constitutions.

It gave me a sense of peace and less worry. Now I knew what diet and lifestyle tweaks could help or hinder them.

Perhaps you recognize the following:

Pitta child: fiery temper, competitiveness, perfectionist tendencies, enjoy attention, get ready to go quickly, strong appetite, reddish face, gets overheated in the sun and high heat, skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema,

Kapha child: may hold weight easily, ‘‘slow and steady’’, calm demeanor, a heavy sleeper, and tends to be more of a homebody, need encouragement to get moving and out of the house.

Vata child: will have the tendency to have colder hands and feet, a variable appetite, light sleeper, easily variable mind, creative, may not follow through on ideas, prone to anxiety and worry.

In my next post, we’ll go over foods and lifestyle adjustments that can help keep your kids balanced.


The 3 doshas