Winter brings us elements of dryness, cold, clear and light. Plants and trees store energy in their roots during the winter, to protect from the cold and wind. Our bodies are also naturally inclined to store energy this time of year. We may experience weight gain, lethargy, constipation, in addition to cold hands and feet. Our body’s energy goes to support digestion at our core, leaving our extremities cold.

Food tips: avoid excess dry foods, such as chips and crackers; raw foods, cold foods especially dairy products; out-of-season fruits and vegetables. favor cooked, warm protein-rich meals. If you eat meat, this is the time of year for it. Root vegetables such as beets, squash, carrots and sweet potatoes. Use rich oils such as olive oil and ghee to cook. Avoid cold drinks and enjoy lots of teas!

Activities to increase warm moisture: Nasya, nose oiling is helpful during this dry season; Take warm baths or showers at least once a week.


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